Excel Level 2 (Intermediate)

Course Description

Students will learn the skills and concepts necessary to create charts and to use the list-management capabilities of Excel.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Managing workbooks and worksheets
Viewing large worksheets
Printing large worksheets
Working with multiple worksheets
Linking worksheets with 3D formulas
Using multiple workbooks
Linking workbooks

Lesson 2: Advanced formatting
Using special number formats
Using functions to format text
Working with styles
Working with themes
Other advanced formatting

Lesson 3: Outlining and subtotals
Outlining and consolidating data
Creating subtotals

Lesson 4: Cell and range names
Creating and using names
Managing names

Lesson 5:Tables
Sorting and filtering data
Advanced filtering
Working with tables

Lesson 6: Web and Internet features
Saving workbooks as Web pages
Using hyperlinks
Sharing workbooks

Lesson 7: Documenting and auditing
Auditing features
Comments in cells and workbooks
Workgroup collaboration

Lesson 8:Templates and settings
Application settings
Built-in templates
Creating and managing templates

pdf Printable course details


Excel Level 1

or equivalent knowledge.

Course Duration

7.5 hours

Study Methods Available

Individual Tuition

Group Training

Distance Learning


Distance Learning price
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Follow-on Courses

Excel Level 3

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